Colour codes

Colour Codes
Yellow - Do it yourself mental health
Green - Facilitating someone else's journey
Blue - Psycho social education and discussions
Purple - Journal/My history
White - Workshops

January 02, 2011


Depression is often brought on by suppression. Discovery what you are suppressing and do something about it. Often this will lead to anger, and we will instinctively do 1 of 2 things.
1) Become aggressive to reclaim our perceived loss of power
2) Suppress our anger because it is uncivilised
Instead, recognise what is suppressing your power and dispassionately plan how to affect it such that your power is rebalanced.

Sometimes dispassion is not possible

Suppression can also be pulling back from some stimuli other than anger that is seemingly too powerful or complicated to deal with. This too must be understood and a dispassionate plan to deal with this must be created and acted upon.

There is always a way.

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